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Image by Avel Chuklanov




Munting Dilaw Newlife Christian Church

In June 2023, Mundeungdilaw New Life Christian Church declared a new beginning, with Missionary Sheena Rico leading the ministry with wisdom. Currently, 28 adult members and 56 children are attending regularly, and the two-month Leadership Training that began in the first week of January is strengthening the development of future ministers and social workers.

1.1유초등부 어린이들이 56명 고정 출석 한답니다.jpg

56 children attending the elementary class activities.

1.2토요일 유치부 성경공부.jpeg

Saturday preschool Bible study.

1.3토요일 성경공부시간.jpg

Saturday adults' Bible study group.

1.4유년부 1-3학년 성경공부.jpg

Weekdays Preschool and Grades 1-3 Bible study.

1.5리더쉽 훈련받는 성도들이 초대하여 간 곳.jpeg

Church members participating in the Leadership Training.

1.6리더쉽트레이닝 받는 새신자 리더들.jpg

New leaders undergoing Leadership Training.

In Antipolo, to offer hope and a vision for life to the victims of the past Ondoy typhoon, the mountains were cleared, and land was provided to residents who lost their homes. This area is the redevelopment zone known as Muntingdilaw. The newly established Muntingdilaw New Life Christian Church, carrying the hope for the vision of the gospel and the future of life in 2024, plans to purchase a 330 square meters piece of land this year to realize the construction of the sanctuary.


We hope that the residents of the Muntingdilaw area, filled with a passion for the gospel, will spread the fervor of the gospel of the kingdom throughout the entire region.

2.1 6개월전 쉐나전도사를 만나 자기집을 개방하여 성경공부 시작한 곳.jpeg

The place where, 6 months ago, Pastor Sheena met and opened her home to start a Bible study.

2.2카톨릭에서 전도되어 온 네자매.jpeg

Four sisters who were evangelized from Catholicism.

2.3 빈민촌에 사는 이들에게 찾아오신 예수님.jpeg

Jesus who came to those living in the slums.

The site for the church construction is 330 square meters and is located on a hill, providing a view of the entire village.

Before the initial church construction, when we conducted a survey about this area, we found that several ministers had already passed through here but were unable to establish a strong church. However, we could strongly feel the residents' deep longing and thirst for the gospel. They earnestly desire for God's church to be established in Mundeungdilao village. We sincerely hope that the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in this fertile ground, that God's holy sanctuary will be built, and that many souls will be saved.

3.1예수님을 구세주로 영접하는 기도시간.jpg

Prayer time for receiving Jesus as Savior.

3.2성전건축하기 원하여 기도하는 땅부지 100평.jpeg

The 330 sqm land for which we are praying to build the church.

3.3주일 어른예배 드리고 단체촬영.jpg

Group picture after Sunday adult church service.

3.4토요 찬양팀과 함께 하나님께 영광을.jpg

Saturday worship team giving glory to God.

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